Source code for altadata

Python library for the ALTADATA API

This Python library allows a developer to build applications around the ALTADATA API
without having to deal with accessing and managing the requests and responses.
import requests
import json

    from pandas import DataFrame
    from pandas import to_datetime

    pandas_installed = True
except ImportError:
    pandas_installed = False

[docs]class AltaDataAPI: """ This is the main class of the API module. It contains all of the data API logic. """ def __init__(self, api_key: str, dataframe_functionality: bool = False): """ AltaDataAPI constructor. Sets the response format on all of the URLs and the api key required to access the API. :param api_key: ALTADATA API key :param dataframe_functionality: If dataframe_functionality is True list_subscription and get_data functions returns pandas dataframe otherwise returns list of dict. """ self.api_key = api_key self.data_api_url = "" self.subscription_api_url = "" self.dataframe_functionality = dataframe_functionality if type(api_key) is not str: raise TypeError("api_key parameter must be string") if type(dataframe_functionality) is not bool: raise TypeError("dataframe_functionality parameter must be boolean") if not pandas_installed and dataframe_functionality: raise RuntimeError( "dataframe_functionality requires pandas (v0.23 or above) to work" ) def _fix_subscription_response(self, response_json): """A private method to convert subscription api response to unnested version""" data = [] for product in response_json: product_item = product product_item["createdAt"] = ( product_item["createdAt"].replace("T", " ").split("+")[0] ) product_item["validUntil"] = ( product_item["validUntil"].replace("T", " ").split("+")[0] ) product_item["title"] = product_item["offer"]["title"] product_item["code"] = product_item["offer"]["code"] product_item["price"] = product_item["plan"]["price"] product_item["plan_name"] = product_item["plan"]["title"] product_item["period"] = product_item["plan"]["period"] del product_item["id"] del product_item["offer"] del product_item["plan"] data.append(product_item) return data def _list_subscription(self): request_url = ( self.subscription_api_url + "subscriptions?api_key=" + self.api_key ) response = requests.get(request_url, headers={"Authorization": self.api_key}) response_json = json.loads(response.content) data = self._fix_subscription_response(response_json) if self.dataframe_functionality: data = DataFrame(data) data["createdAt"] = to_datetime(data["createdAt"]) data["validUntil"] = to_datetime(data["validUntil"]) return data def _get_header(self, product_code: str): request_url = self.data_api_url + product_code + "/?format=json&page=1" response = requests.get(request_url, headers={"Authorization": self.api_key}) header = list(json.loads(response.content)[0].keys()) return header def _check_parameters(self, condition_column, condition_value_list=None): """A private method for controlling types of parameters""" if type(condition_column) is not str: raise TypeError("condition_column parameter must be string") if condition_value_list is not None: if type(condition_value_list) is not list: raise TypeError("condition_value parameter must be list") def _fetch_data(self): data = [] page = 1 total_size = 0 while True: request_url = self.__request_url_base + "&page=" + str(page) response = requests.get( request_url, headers={"Authorization": self.api_key} ) if not response.status_code == 200: raise ConnectionError(str(response.content)) response_json = json.loads(response.content) if len(response_json) < 1: break data += response_json if self.limit is not None: total_size += len(response_json) if total_size > self.limit: break page += 1 if self.limit is not None: data = data[: self.limit] if self.dataframe_functionality: data = DataFrame(data) return data
[docs] def list_subscription(self): """ List customer's subscriptions :returns: if dataframe_functionality parameter is False returns **list of dict** otherwise returns **pandas dataframe**. """ data = self._list_subscription() return data
[docs] def get_header(self, product_code: str): """ Get data header as a list :param product_code: Data product code :rtype: list """ if type(product_code) is not str: raise TypeError("product_code parameter must be string") header = self._get_header(product_code) return header
[docs] def get_data(self, product_code: str, limit: int = None): """ Initialize retrieve data process :param product_code: Data product code :param limit: Number of rows you want to retrieve """ if type(product_code) is not str: raise TypeError("product_code parameter must be string") if limit is not None: if type(limit) is not int: raise TypeError("limit parameter must be integer") elif limit <= 0: raise ValueError("limit parameter must be greater than 0") self.limit = limit self.__request_url_base = self.data_api_url + product_code + "/?format=json" return self
[docs] def select(self, selected_column: list): """ Select specific columns in the retrieve data process :param selected_column: List of columns to select """ if type(selected_column) is not list: raise TypeError("selected_column parameter must be list") elif len(selected_column) < 1: raise ValueError( "selected_column parameter must contain at least one value" ) selected_column_text = ",".join([item for item in selected_column]) self.__request_url_base += "&columns=" + selected_column_text return self
[docs] def sort(self, order_column: str = None, order_method: str = "asc"): """ Sort data by given column and method in the retrieve data process :param order_column: Column to which the order is applied :param order_method: Sorting method. Posibble values: asc or desc """ if type(order_column) is not str: raise TypeError("order_column parameter must be string") elif type(order_method) is not str: raise TypeError("order_method parameter must be string") elif order_method not in ["asc", "desc"]: raise ValueError("order_method parameter must be 'asc' or 'desc'") self.__request_url_base += "&order_by=" + order_column + "_" + order_method return self
[docs] def equal(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'Equal' condition by given column and value in the retrieve data process :param condition_column: Column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: Value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters(condition_column=condition_column) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_eq=" + str(condition_value) ) return self
[docs] def not_equal(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'Not equal' condition by given column and value :param condition_column: Column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: Value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters(condition_column=condition_column) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_neq=" + str(condition_value) ) return self
[docs] def greater_than(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'Greater than' condition by given column and value :param condition_column: Column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: Value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters(condition_column=condition_column) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_gt=" + str(condition_value) ) return self
[docs] def greater_than_equal(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'Greater than equal' condition by given column and value :param condition_column: Column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: Value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters(condition_column=condition_column) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_gte=" + str(condition_value) ) return self
[docs] def less_than(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'Less than' condition by given column and value :param condition_column: Column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: Value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters(condition_column=condition_column) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_lt=" + str(condition_value) ) return self
[docs] def less_than_equal(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'Less than equal' condition by given column and value :param condition_column: Column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: Value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters(condition_column=condition_column) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_lte=" + str(condition_value) ) return self
[docs] def condition_in(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'In' condition by given column and value list :param condition_column: Column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: Value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters( condition_column=condition_column, condition_value_list=condition_value ) condition_value_text = ",".join([item for item in condition_value]) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_in=" + condition_value_text ) return self
[docs] def condition_not_in(self, condition_column: str = None, condition_value=None): """ 'Not in' condition by given column and value list :param condition_column: column to which the condition will be applied :param condition_value: value to use with condition """ self._check_parameters( condition_column=condition_column, condition_value_list=condition_value ) condition_value_text = ",".join([item for item in condition_value]) self.__request_url_base += ( "&" + condition_column + "_notin=" + condition_value_text ) return self
[docs] def load(self): """ Fetch data with configurations given before :returns: if dataframe_functionality parameter is True returns pandas dataframe otherwise returns list of dict. """ data = self._fetch_data() return data