Get Data

  • YOUR_API_KEY stands for your Alta Data API key.

  • PRODUCT_CODE is a code created to use the Data Product with API.

You can find the product code in the API section of the data product page.

Get All Data

Firstly import library with the code below.

from altadata.altadata import *

You can get the entire data with the code below. get_data() returns list of dict by default.

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(PRODUCT_CODE).load()

If dataframe_functionality parameter is True get_data() returns pandas dataframe.

Note: This functionality requires pandas (v0.23 or above) to work.

client = AltaDataAPI(api_key=YOUR_API_KEY, dataframe_functionality=True)
data = client.get_data(PRODUCT_CODE).load()

Get Data with Conditions

You can get data with using various conditions.

The columns you can apply these filter operations to are limited to the filtered columns.

You can find the filtered columns in the data section of the data product page.

equal condition

product_code = "co_10_jhucs_03"

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(product_code = product_code)\
        .equal(condition_column="province_state", condition_value="Montana")\

in condition

product_code = "co_10_jhucs_03"

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(product_code)\
        .condition_in(condition_column="province_state", condition_value=["Montana", "Utah"])\

not in condition

product_code = "co_10_jhucs_03"

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(product_code)\
        .condition_not_in(condition_column="province_state", condition_value=["Montana", "Utah"])\

sort operation

You can sort data based on a specific column and method.

product_code = "co_10_jhucs_03"

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(product_code)\
        .sort(order_column="mortality_rate", order_method="desc")\

select specific columns

You can get only selected columns.

product_code = "co_10_jhucs_03"

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(product_code)\
        .select(selected_column=["reported_date", "province_state", "mortality_rate"])\

get the specified amount of data

You can limit data.

product_code = "co_10_jhucs_03"

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(product_code, limit=20).load()

Get Data with Multiple Conditions

You can use multiple condition at same time.

product_code = "co_10_jhucs_03"

client = AltaDataAPI(YOUR_API_KEY)
data = client.get_data(product_code, limit=100)\
            .condition_in(condition_column="province_state", condition_value=["Montana", "Utah"])\
            .sort(order_column="mortality_rate", order_method="desc")\
            .select(selected_column=["reported_date", "province_state", "mortality_rate"])\